June 19th - Park Play Date - 10am
June 24th - End Novena to St. Joseph
Just 25th - Begin St. Peregrine Novena for individuals suffering from
terminal illness
Just 26th - 1st Summer Session Meeting
9:30 -11:30 St. Joseph's Parish, Otis Orchards
Chapters 1-7; Weekly Scripture Readings - St. Gerard
Jessica to provide Snacks for moms
June 27th - Park Day - Greenacres Park - 10am
July 3rd - LIVE SKYPE with Lisa Hendey (Author/Blogger)
Chapters 8-11; Weekly Scripture Readings - JPII
Megan to provide Snacks for moms
End Novena to St. Peregrine
July 10th - No Meeting due to VBS
July 17th - Chapters 11-17; Weekly Scripture Readings - Alphonsus
de Liguori
Rachel to provide snacks for moms
July 18th - Park Day Rocky Hill Park - 10am
July 24th - Chapters 18-24; Weekly Scripture Readings - Damien of Molokai
Casey to provide snacks for moms
July 25th- Park Day- Pavilion Park - 10am
July 31st - Chapter 25-31; Weekly Scripture Readings - Isidore of Seville
Snacks sign up still available
August 1st - Park Day- Discovery Park - 10am
August 7th - Chapters 32 - 38; Weekly Scripture Readings - John the Apostle
Janet to provide snacks for moms
August 8th - Park Day - Location TBD - 10am
August 14th - Chapters 39-45; Weekly Scripture Readings - Joan of Arc
Snack sign up still available
August 15th - Park Day - Location TBD - 10am
August 19th - Begin Novena to St. Monica for conversion of adult children
August 21st - Last Summer Session Meeting
Chapters 46-52; Weekly Scripture Readings - Martha of Bethany
Amanda to provide snacks for moms
August 27th - Feast of St. Monica - End Novena