I'm relating this back to the reading from a few weeks ago (I think it was a few weeks ago, life is all blending together at this point), where each one of us brings our own gifts but we are all part of the same body. I love listening to that reading and trying to determine where I fit into this body. What is my place? Thus the connection with everything in my home finding its own place. That really has been my problem since we purchased this house. Finding a place that my husband and I both agree on (no the entry way is not the place your shoes belong and your belt definitely does not belong on the banister) will make my home run much smoother. And a smoother home will allow for more time for God. Yes! Ultimate goal right?
Thankfully I still have plenty of Lent left to make up for my lack of an effort this last week. I'll catch up. I've already put together two bags of clothes, have a bike to get rid of, and plan to get rid of a dinning room table and chairs. Now to convince my husband the coffee table in the garage, while very nice and matches the end table we have, can go. Hmmm
For as the body is one, and hath many members; and all the members of the body, whereas they are many, yet are one body, so also is Christ.
1 Cor 12:12
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